Wednesday, 7 October 2015



Mutimedia - task 3 - A Tour through the Beef Industry

Come for a tour through the Beef Industry. 
Like all tours, pay attention, look closely and listen carefully.
Just a friendly reminder, please turn off your mobile phone while in the gallery and no touching the artworks. 
Hope you enjoy the tour.........

Friday, 2 October 2015

Look how much we have done now!!!!!!!

We have painted, sculpted, painted some more.

I do believe we have a great likeness to some of the great masters!!!!!!
cow needed a water pump!!!!!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Appropriated Artworks

We selected a range of artists works that were well recognizable.

Remember, we talked about appropriation?
Can you see the differences??
Farmer and his wife

Lichtenstein cow

picasso cow
Botticelli - venus
Munch - The Scream
Leonardo Da Vinci - Mona Lisa

Thursday, 17 September 2015

a CAT ON A T BONE?????

Mrs Munroe took the steak home to attach the wheels.
Looks like her Cat Molly was a little hungry!!!!
or is she a thrill seeker??

Even our principal got involved!!

just like Leonardo Da Vinci himself!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Lets talk about WATER and FARMING

The Australian climate plays a role in the type of farming that can be successfully achieved.
For Beef farmers it is important to choose the breed of cattle that is best adapted to the climate.
Northern Australian Farmers
Northern cattle producers account for 75% of farming land in Australia dedicated to beef.
Cattle in the northern region typically forage for feed over sprawling properties.
Beef from these cattle is of lower quality compared to southern beef.
Southern Cattle Farmers
Farms in southern areas are generally more intensive then their northern counterparts. Farmers in this area generally run European and British breeds which are kept for their ability to gain weight and produce favourable quality meat.

Major beef breeds

Bos taurus

A typical Bos Taurus bull
Figure 2. A typical Bos Taurusbull
A typical Bos indicus bull
Figure 3. A typical Bos indicusbull