Wednesday, 7 October 2015



Mutimedia - task 3 - A Tour through the Beef Industry

Come for a tour through the Beef Industry. 
Like all tours, pay attention, look closely and listen carefully.
Just a friendly reminder, please turn off your mobile phone while in the gallery and no touching the artworks. 
Hope you enjoy the tour.........

Friday, 2 October 2015

Look how much we have done now!!!!!!!

We have painted, sculpted, painted some more.

I do believe we have a great likeness to some of the great masters!!!!!!
cow needed a water pump!!!!!

Friday, 18 September 2015

Appropriated Artworks

We selected a range of artists works that were well recognizable.

Remember, we talked about appropriation?
Can you see the differences??
Farmer and his wife

Lichtenstein cow

picasso cow
Botticelli - venus
Munch - The Scream
Leonardo Da Vinci - Mona Lisa

Thursday, 17 September 2015

a CAT ON A T BONE?????

Mrs Munroe took the steak home to attach the wheels.
Looks like her Cat Molly was a little hungry!!!!
or is she a thrill seeker??

Even our principal got involved!!

just like Leonardo Da Vinci himself!!!!!

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Lets talk about WATER and FARMING

The Australian climate plays a role in the type of farming that can be successfully achieved.
For Beef farmers it is important to choose the breed of cattle that is best adapted to the climate.
Northern Australian Farmers
Northern cattle producers account for 75% of farming land in Australia dedicated to beef.
Cattle in the northern region typically forage for feed over sprawling properties.
Beef from these cattle is of lower quality compared to southern beef.
Southern Cattle Farmers
Farms in southern areas are generally more intensive then their northern counterparts. Farmers in this area generally run European and British breeds which are kept for their ability to gain weight and produce favourable quality meat.

Major beef breeds

Bos taurus

A typical Bos Taurus bull
Figure 2. A typical Bos Taurusbull
A typical Bos indicus bull
Figure 3. A typical Bos indicusbull

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Farmer Tim Came to Visit

Just this Thursday, 8th September, Tim Eyes came to meet with some Ag students and some of us working on the Archibull.
It Made the news!!!!!
 (Local school newsletter!!!)


Tim Eyes Visits Model Farms High School
By year 9 Visual Design reporters

Today, Thursday 10th September 2015, farmer extraordinaire Tim Eyes came for a visit at our school.
Tim presented us with an outstanding insight into his life as a farmer in the beef industry and the work he does in the central coast. He talked about cows, he discussed life on the land and how his passion for farming from a young age has got him to where he is today.
We then showed him our farm and was most fortunate to be one of the first to meet our calf who was only born last night.
We guided him through the various tasks from our hydroponics, gardens and cattle, sheep alpacas, chicken and rabbits. He seemed most impressed stating he had to go to boarding school in Bathurst while at school to get the same experience that we take for granted.
Thanks Tim. 
It was a pleasure to meet Tim. 
His enthusiasm and excitement for his profession definitely had an impact on the students here.
Tim also go to meet our Moona Lisa.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Look at our new baby

Isn't it appropriate that the year we are looking at beef cattle, and the night before our farmer visit, we have a new baby.
Too cute!!!!!!!


Busy Busy Busy

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Water is a vital necessity for farmers

Image result for farms damsThere have been many changes in farming methods over the past 200 years and Australian farmers have had to adaptable as resilient and inventive. The challenges of access to fresh water, high amounts of fertiliser, large clearings, over grazing, transport costs and feral animals have tested the average farmer.

In response these factors, farmers have become more reliant on technologies.
About 2/3 of Australia's land is given over to farmer production. About 90% of farm land is for grazing on native pastures, occurring often in arid zones. Cattle grazing is known as pasturalisation and has a long history.
Fresh Water availability and drought management are key challenges for farmers. The location of well, building of dams and the sinking of bores all became part of the necessary requirements for farming in the low rainfall areas to establish access to water in dry times and for droving stock to markets

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

BIOSECURITY - making an infographic.

As a classroom teacher I set my Year 11 visual design class a task of creating the infographic.
(was the class's first question)
a good question..........

What is an Infographic? - SlideShare
found this very useful slide show that really explained the concept well.
Students worked in pairs to get ideas and nut out what biosecurity was.
Some students went to the farm to ask the questions, some googled and some just got right into designing and developing imagery and concepts.
The final works were really interesting and incorperated some good graphics and research.
Information to include could be......

* Farm biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect a property from the entry and spread of pests, diseases and weeds. 
Use signs to inform visitors of your biosecurity status and what you require from them.  Never assume that visitors know the appropriate biosecurity measures for your property.
Storage structures can also provide an excellent breeding ground for pests and diseases, which can then spread and infect other parts of your property.
Model Farms High School provide education and look after the farm by following these simple rules.

Lets make some lollies.

Here we are sitting in the sun.
You may think we are not doing much at all, but actually we are making yummy, colourful, and really delicious lollies. Just like those lollies we realised were full of beef gelatin.
Mind you, you might break your teeth if you tried these little morsels.....they are made of resin. 
A hot glue gun, an udder....... lets go.

Thursday, 27 August 2015

What is Biodiversity?

 Australia's cattle and sheep industry occupies around 50% of land used in    Australia. 
 34% of Australian cattle and sheep farmers are members of land care groups.
 37% of farmers have areas of conversation significance on their farm.
 73% of these farmers protecting areas of conversation significance. 
Livestock farmers are dedicating areas of their property to vegetation

busy working on cow

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

A Name....What's in a Name?

We wanted a name to suit her character and reflect the meaning of the cow. 
So we went through a range of artists names......
well, there were more, but it got a bit silly!!
so ,
Mona Lisa......
Image result for mona lisa

hang on,
Image result for mona lisaImage result for mona lisaImage result for mona lisa

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Did you know?????

Did you know that you find beef / beef products in all sorts of unexpected places.
Did you know that 99% of the cow is used in a whole range of products!!
Plastic Bags - Many plastic bags contain a "slip agent' which reduces the friction in the material.What are those made of?    ......  animal fat!!Image result for plastic bags
Car and Bike Tyres - Some manufacturers use an animal based stearic acid, which helps rubber in tyres hold their shape.

Glue - Animal glue made from boiling animals cognitive tissue and bones is apparently the best adhesive for fixing musical instruments made of wood.
Fabric Softener - Some softener contains Dihydrogenated tallow dimethyl ammonium chloride which comes from the cattle industry.
Cosmetics and creamsImage result for lipstick
Toothpaste - Glycerin is found in animal and vegetable fats, used in many products including toothpaste.Image result for toothpaste

White and Brown sugar - what about hidden products in the manufacture process ? Among vegetarians its known as that purified ash from animal bones is used in filters to refine sugar by some brands.
Cake Mix - sometimes listed as lard - beef fat can be found in cake mixes and gelatin in icing.
Did you know gelatin , what jelly is made of, comes from the connective tissue in beef animals. what about gummi bearsImage result for gummi bears, marshmallows and mentos............yes beef.
Hard cheese - cheddars and parmisan are often made by using rennet, which is the lining of animal intestines. Most soft cheese are not.
And these are just a few products!!!!!
I cant tell you how shocked we were to see all these ingredients in these and other products.