As a classroom teacher I set my Year 11 visual design class a task of creating the infographic.
(was the class's first question)
a good question..........
found this very useful slide show that really explained the concept well.
Students worked in pairs to get ideas and nut out what biosecurity was.
Some students went to the farm to ask the questions, some googled and some just got right into designing and developing imagery and concepts.
The final works were really interesting and incorperated some good graphics and research.
Information to include could be......
* Farm
biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect a property from the entry
and spread of pests, diseases and weeds.
* Use signs to inform visitors of your biosecurity status
and what you require from them. Never
assume that visitors know the appropriate biosecurity measures for your
* Storage structures can also provide an
excellent breeding ground for pests and diseases, which can then spread and
infect other parts of your property.
* Model
Farms High School provide education and look after the farm by following these
simple rules.